Electronic Resources - 1
The library has the facility to access the electronic resources of INFLIBNET Centre, UGC being registered through the N-LIST Consortium Programme (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) of INFLIBNET through the institutional user id and password. Kindly procure the same from the library and follow the link given below for getting access to 97000+ eBooks and 6000+ e-journals: http://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/
The library has established association with the British Council Library to avail the online resources through the Institutional Membership Cards and Login ID and Password. Kindly visit the library for the Login details and follow the link given below for getting access to 85000+ e-books and 14000+ e-journals: http://www.library.britishcouncil.org.in/
Readers can browse through DOAR, which is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories, giving a quality-controlled list of repositories from http://www.opendoar.org/
Readers can browse through DOAJ, which is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals from http://www.opendoaj.org/
Readers can search and browse through 4775 open access (free) journals from http://www.oajse.com and download the full text freely.
The list of e-resources with links are provided herewith for the users:
e-Journals |
eBooks |
Institute of South East Asian Studies (ISEAS) Books (382+ titles) |